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Emergent Technology

The workgroup evaluates new and emerging technologies that lead to potential consortial agreements and cost savings for Oregon community colleges. This work provides innovative tools and improves opportunities for access to technology for teaching and learning at our community colleges.

Goals and Objectives

The workgroup explores emerging technologies identified by pertinent resources to inform Oregon Community Colleges about these technologies by supporting pilot explorations, producing recommendation and adoption guidance documents, and identifying or producing professional development resources to support their system integration and effective pedagogical use. They offer options so that solutions can be effectively selected and localized. The workgroup is always looking for ways to maximize our statewide budget by finding and implementing consortial agreements.


The workgroup reviews educational technology with a focus on alignment with the greater interests and needs of all Oregon community college distance learning programs. They receive pilot exploration suggestions via our workgroup and a nomination form. They support pilot-projects and shared the exploration of technology, and produce tangible guidance to improve teaching practice and student outcomes in distance learning.

Workgroup Members

Monica Marlo – Portland Community College (Workgroup Co-Lead)

Sage Freeman – Chemeketa Community College (Workgroup Co-Lead)

Cat Schleichert – Mount Hood Community College

Rory Beck – Lane Community College

Scott Dove – Central Oregon Community College

Edis Worden – Klamath Community College

Ashlei Emmons – Blue Mountain Community College

Josh Manders – Lane Community College

Hillary Abbott – Clackamas Community College

Kevin Steeves – Lane Community College

Mel Stark – Lane Community College

Sarah Miller – Tillamook Bay Community College

David Snell – Rogue Community College

David Edgell – Klamath Community College

Andy Freed – Portland Community College

Jen Kepka – Lane Community College

Ian Coronado – Lane Community College

Dan Wright – Umpqua Community College

Spencer Smith – Oregon Coast Community College

Paul Tannahill – Linn-Benton Community College


The Emergent Technology Work Group (ETWG) manages a research & development fund to enable the group to access and license the technology as identified by the greater group to pilot test for possible shared implementation. As emerging technology and services are identified as possible viable candidates for consortium level sharing, the workgroup will use these funds to gain access for evaluation.

Faculty Explorations

The ETWG received applications from faculty for funding and supported the following projects during the 2021-23 biennium.

  • OER Virtual Reality Bookspace for Course Multimedia – Kevin Smith, Chemeketa Community College
  • Incorporating Lego Serious Play in Psychology Classes – Reina Daugherty, Chemeketa Community College

Funding Priorities

In considering funding proposals, the Emergent Technology work group will give priority to projects that:

  • Are scalable (the proposal has the potential to impact a range of courses and programs)
  • Likely to have direct impact on student success and/or retention
  • Are collaborative and cross-disciplinary
  • Focus on OCCDLA Strategic Initiatives


Below are links to project summaries by participating faculty and workgroup members for 2023-25.


Do you have an emergent technology you would like to explore?  Submit your nomination for a technology evaluation by the OCCDLA Emergent Technology Workgroup.

The OCCDLA Emergent Tech Work Group receives nominations for instructional technology review from work group members and our nomination form, available to all instructors and administrative staff of all Oregon Community Colleges.


For questions about the Emergent Technology Work Group:

Administrative Contact:
Monica Marlo
Portland Community College
[email protected]