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Inclusive Design
Digital materials have become an essential part of the higher education experience. Online, hybrid and even face-to-face courses have a digital component. From the syllabus to the LMS shell, most course content is created and distributed a digital format.
This increased digital presence means that it is critical to ensure that all students, including students with disabilities, have equal and equitable access to learning materials. Many of the techniques that improve accessibility also improve course quality and make materials more usable for all students.
This workgroup is dedicated to promoting and supporting accessibility for all OCCDLA schools. We offer information, resources, and tools to help you improve digital accessibility across your institution. If you are interested in becoming a member of the workgroup, please contact Rondi Schei or Heather Mariger.
- Recommend best practices and solutions for facilitating accessible learning environments.
- Coordinate statewide closed captioning initiatives.
- Produce support resources that promote accessible learning.
- Evaluate eLearning tools and platforms for the degree of accessibility.
Captioning & Transcription Resources
Chemeketa Community College manages the IGRA for this project, coordinates the services provided by AST for all Oregon community colleges and reports to the OCCDLA quarterly on the usage and redistribution of these services.
Each college has been assigned a technical site administrator for coordinating the use of these services on each of their campuses. View an updated list of College Site Administrators here.
This project has been funded by the state office of the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD) in cooperation with the OCCDLA.
Workgroup Members
Rondi Schei, Portland Community College (Workgroup Co-Lead)
Heather Mariger, Chemeketa Community College (Workgroup Co-Lead)
DW Wood – Clackamas Community College
Ashlei Emmons – Blue Mountain Community College
Mel Stark – Lane Community College
Kristine Roshau – Central Oregon Community College
Skye Ngyen – Lane Community College
Monica Marlo MG – Portland Community College
Kirsten Horning – Clatsop Community College