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Completion Conference 23

Join us in-person for the Fourth Annual OCCDLA Distance Learning Completion Conference, on Friday, April 14,  at Chemeketa Community College’s Eola Center. This conference will also be online via Zoom. The theme this year is “Cultivating Community: Humanizing Online Learning”

Keynote Speaker

Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Faculty Mentor, Online Teaching and Learning with the California Community Colleges California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative (CVC).

Headshot photo of Michelle Pacansky-Brock.

Dr. Michelle Pacansky-Brock is a noted leader in higher education with expertise in online teaching, course design, and faculty development. Michelle’s work has helped online instructors across the nation and beyond understand how to craft relevant, humanized online learning experiences that support the diverse needs of college students.  She is the author of Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies (2nd edition, Routledge) and has received national recognition for her excellence in teaching and faculty development from the Online Learning Consortium (OLC).

Currently, Michelle is Faculty Mentor, Online Teaching and Learning with the California Community Colleges California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative (CVC). In her role, she coordinates professional development in support of equitable online teaching and learning for @ONE (Online Network of Educators) and is leading a California Learning Lab grant project that is scaling humanized online teaching across California and researching its impact on STEM students from minoritized communities. Learn more about Michelle at and connect with her on Twitter @brocansky.


Tentative Agenda

All faculty and staff at Oregon community colleges involved with online learning are encouraged to attend, and registration is free. A stipend is available for part-time faculty who attend.

On Site Agena Virtual Agenda
8:30Continental breakfastBreakfast as you like
Welcome & Icebreaker - - Conference history & purpose - - Land Acknowledgement
Virtual Keynote - Michelle Pacansky Brock
10:45Breakout sessionBreakout session
11:45LunchOpen link for
virtual lunch groups
12:30Student PanelStudent Panel
1:30Break Break
1:45Facilitated reflectionFacilitated reflection
2:30Conference wrap upConference wrap up
Social HourOptional wine tasting
& snacks
Optional remote
social hour


Register now and  join us in-person or via Zoom

Stipends are available for part-time faculty:

  • $200 for those attending in-person
  • $100 for those attending online

Conference Background

Online course completion rates are consistently lower for community college students than they are for in-person courses. In 2017, Steve Smith, the chair of the Completion Workgroup for OCCDLA, began a project to investigate what practices in Oregon were leading to improved student completion. Data was collected on courses from around the state that had the same or higher rates of completion than similar in-person courses. From this information and with the cooperation of distance learning administrators at OCCDLA member colleges, faculty members were identified and then interviewed about their practices.

In fall 2018, the first DL Completion Conference was held, bringing together faculty, staff, and administrators from around the state to discuss the findings from these interviews. A report, which included detailed feedback from attendees, was then sent to the state and all member colleges, distilling the findings and discussion from the day into areas for further exploration and professional development.